Procedure.....Who does what & when
League Discipline Committee
- If five Penalty runs are awarded they must inform the captain of the offending team and inform the scorers.
- Umpires must record details of all five run penalties on their report card.
- Umpires must inform the captain and player(s) of intention to report.
- Umpires must call League Disciplinary Chairman by 10pm the following day.
- The completed Disciplinary Report Form must be submitted to League Disciplinary Chairman within 48 hours.
League Disciplinary Officials
- The Disciplinary Chairman to contact relevant club(s) by 10pm the day after receiving notification from umpires.
- The date of a disciplinary panel will be confirmed in writing. This will usually be convened within ten days.
Club Officials
- Arrange an internal inquiry.
- Report their findings in writing to the Disciplinary Chairman before the panel hearing.
The Hearing
- Players(s) and captain to attend Disciplinary Panel hearing along with a club official.
- If required the umpires will be invited to present evidence to the panel only.
- Disciplinary Panel to consider the club's internal inquiry verdict together with the evidence presented at the hearing.
- Panel will advise the club and its player(s) of the verdict and of the right of appeal.
- Notice of an appeal must be made by email to the Disciplinary Chairman within 7 days. A £50 deposit is required.
- An appeal will be called within seven days, the date of which will be notified in writing.
- The appeal panel will consist of three members not previously involved in the case.
- The panel's verdict will be binding.
- Decision will be advised to the club and the persons involved in the incident.
Reporting Of Verdicts
- The Bradford League Umpires Association secretary to be informed.
- The outcomes of all disciplinary cases will be reported on the League website.
- The outcomes of all disciplinary cases must be reported to the Yorkshire Cricket Board within seven days.
- If a player is registered to a First Class club his county, the PCA and ECB have to be notified within seven days.